1. Sign in to your devices with the same Apple ID.

2. Upgrade all your devices to the latest iOS version. To do this, you can simply go to Settings > General > and click Software Update. Your device can be updated through cellular data or Wi-Fi.

3. Make sure to have the latest MacOS version. You can update your Mac by going to the App Store > and by clicking Updates.

4. Go to iTunes and make sure to update it to the latest version. To do this, simply go to your phone’s App Store application, click Updates, and check if there are latest releases available for iTunes.

5. After making sure that everything on your devices is up-to-date, restart the device. Different iOS versions require different ways to restart. On your Mac computer, simply click the Apple icon and click the restart button.

Why Cant Icloud Music Library Connect Mac

6. The next thing to do is to go to Settings > iTunes and App Store > Enter your Apple ID > and tap Sign Out. Wait for a few minutes and then repeat back the process. This time, sign in to turn your iCloud Music Library.

7. You can repeat the next steps more than once. Go to Settings > Music > Toggle on iCloud Music Library. Select Merge or Replace. If you get the error, you can simply try it again. Repeat the steps until it will work. Just click on dismiss and repeat it. Some users even reported that they did the steps 10 times until it finally worked.

8. You can also try the following alternative option. Go to Settings > Airplane Mode > Turn it on. Wait for a few seconds and turn it off again.

9. If you still have the same issue, you have the option to restore your device. You can do a restore from an iTunes backup or an iCloud backup.

Icloud Music Library Is On

If there is an error message that says “iCloud Music Library can’t be turned on because this device is already associated with Apple ID. This device can be associated with a different Apple ID in 90 days”, then you have to wait for 90 days. Use a single Apple ID on all of your devices if possible.